

Concorcia Lutheran Seminary Fort Wayne, facebook-Seite am 21.07.2020

On Friday, July 17, Prof. John T. Pless joined with other theologians from North America, Germany, and Brazil for a virtual celebration of the 125th birthday of Hermann Sasse (1895-1976). Sasse was a leading confessional Lutheran theologian of the 20th century known for his opposition to Nazism and his unflinching commitment to the Lutheran Confessions. Sasse was a visiting lecturer at Concordia Theological Seminary when it was located at Springfield and he was awarded an honorary D.D. by our seminary. CTSFW is home to the Sasse archives.
The focus of the celebration last Friday was on the publication of a festschrift in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of Sasse's birth. The book was edited by Dr. Werner Klan, emeritus professor at our sister seminary in Oberursel, Germany. Prof. Pless is one of twelve authors in this volume.
More information on the book can be found here: http://www.edition-ruprecht.de/katalog/titel.php?id=473

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Umschlagbild: Der Theologe Hermann Sasse (1895–1976)

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Der Theologe Hermann Sasse (1895–1976)

Einblicke in seine internationale Wirkung als Exeget, Kirchenhistoriker, Systematiker und Ökumeniker
Klän, Werner/Corzine, Jacob/Grünhagen, Andrea/Harrison, Matthew C./Neddens, Christian/Pless, John T./Schild, Maurice/Sommer, Wolfgang/Stephenson, John R./Stolle, Volker/Voigt, Hans-Jörg/Volkmar, Simon/Winger, Thomas M.

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