

New Testament Abstracts Vol. 60 No. 2

This commentary an the Gospel of Mark seeks to open up the semantic content of the text, especially within the context of the narrative whole. After a twenty-page introduction (tradition, form, theology, addressees, method of interpretation), Stolle, professor emeritus of NT at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Oberursel, presents his interpretation of Mark according to the following main outline: prologue – the Baptist and Jesus (Mk 1:1–15); Jesus’ authoritative teaching in Capernaum and all of Galilee (1:16–3:6); Jesus’ teaching in parables before a large audience at the Sea of Galilee (3:7-6:6a); Jesus’ teaching—the bread motif and mission (6:6b-8:26); Jesus' frank teaching about the way of the Son of Man and discipleship (8:27-10:52); Jesus’ teaching in the Temple and overlooking it (11:1–13:37); and Jesus’ death as confirmation of his teaching (14:1–16:8). The treatment of each pericope includes the Greek text and a German translation, followed by Stolle’s commentary, often prefaced by thematic headings.

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Umschlagbild: Das Markusevangelium

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Das Markusevangelium

Text, Übersetzung und Kommentierung (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erzähltechnik)
Stolle, Volker

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