

GDR News, Issue 6/Spring 2011

This volume, edited by Michael Nausner, Drew alumn (G05) and professor of Systematic Theology at Reutlingen School of Theology, started to come together at the 12th Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies in 2007. Seven of the thirteen articles from scholars from three continents originated as presentations at that conference on the topic on Methodist ecclesiology and mission. The volume's articles deal with the issue of ecclesiology from very diverse angles. Methodist ecclesiology, which has been addressed in a way very influential for this volume by Albert C. Outler at the Oxford Institute in 1962, is here presented reflected from theological, historical, ecumenical, process-philosophical, economical, social, and cultural perspectives. The editor's contribution deals with the importance of cultural theory for the analysis of the life of the church as an intercultural community. This anthology gathers for the first time in the German language a wide range of ecclesiological perspectives from several Methodist traditions.

The contributors are: Ivan Abrahams, Jimmy G. Dube (Drew alumn G05), Richard P. Heitzenrater, Manfred Marquardt, Michael Nausner, Hendrik R. Pieterse, Gwen Purushotham, Helmut Renders, Russell E. Richey, Angela Shier-Jones, José Carlos de Souza, Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, Michel Weyer.


Rezensierter Titel:

Umschlagbild: Kirchliches Leben in methodistischer Tradition

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Kirchliches Leben in methodistischer Tradition

Perspektiven aus drei Kontinenten
Nausner, Michael/Abrahams, Ivan/Dube, Jimmy G./Heitzenrater, Richard P./Marquardt, Manfred/Pieterse, Hendrik R./Purushotham, Gwen/Renders, Helmut/Richey, Russel E./Shier-Jones, Angela/Souza, Carlos de/Suchocki, Marjorie/Weyer, Michel/Wenner, Rosemarie

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